
Go Go Pony

Manufacturer: Magic Play

Use: Home or Commercial
$995 - LIGHT USE

This is a GOGO PONY INTERACTIVE KIDDIE RIDE for sale by MAGIC PLAY - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY - LIGHT USE!



We recently acquired several great kiddie rides.  They look and work great. Free play (set to $.25-$1.00) or coin operated. 

MANY MORE IN STOCK. Give us a call if you would like photos or more information. 

Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  7,499

This carousel is heavy duty .  Works great!  Coin operated or free play



Big Bird Fire Truck
Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,695

This is a BIG BIRD FIRE TRUCK Kiddie Ride for sale - COIN-OP or FREE PLAY!


Fire Truck-Rescue 911
Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,695

This is a FIRE TRUCK Kiddie Ride for sale - COIN-OP or FREE PLAY!



Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,495

This is a FLINTSTONES  KIDDIE RIDE for sale - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY!

Can be set on free-play or coin - 25 cents to $1.00.



Sesame Street Elmo and Zoe
Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,495

This is a SESAME STREET ELMO and ZOE KIDDIE RIDE for sale - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY!

Can be set on free-play or coin - 25 cents to $1.00.


Snuffy JJ The Jet Plane
Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,095

This is a SNUFFY J.J. THE JET PLANE KIDDIE RIDE for sale - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY!

Works just as it should!
Can be set on free-play or coin.
Can be used indoors or outside!


Mr. Potato Head
Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,695

This is a MR. POTATO HEAD KIDDIE RIDE for sale - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY!


Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,395

This is a BULLDOZER KIDDIE RIDE for sale - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY!
Can be set on free-play or coin - 25 cents to $1.00.


Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,695

This is a  HORSE KIDDIE RIDE for sale - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY!

Can be set on free-play or coin - 25 cents to $1.00.


USN Spaceship Rocket

Use: Home or Commercial

Price:  $1,000

This is a USN SPACESHIP ROCKET Kiddie Ride for sale - Works Great - for Indoors or Outdoors - 2 SPEEDS - 1 for younger kids and 1 for older kids! Control movement with joystick!

Can be set on free-play or coin - $0.25 to $1.00
Can be used indoors or outside!


Ernie & Bert Kiddie Ride

Use: Home or Commercial

This is a SESAME STREET'S BERT & ERNIE FIRETRUCK Kiddie Ride for sale by KIDDIE'S - Works Great!

Can be set on free-play or coin - $0.25 to $1.00.
Can be used indoors or outside!



Spider-Man Kiddie Ride

Use: Home or Commercial

This is a SPIDER-MAN KIDDIE RIDE for sale - Coin-Operated or can be set on FREE PLAY!
Can be set on free-play or coin - 25 cents to $1.00.


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